Every traveler knows that there are several advantages to having your luggage stand out. Not only does it make it easier for you to find your bag in an airport full of similar-looking suitcases, but it also provides an extra layer of security. If someone were to mistakenly pick up and take off with your luggage, a distinctive look would help make it easier for airport personnel or other travelers to recognize and return it. Additionally, a unique bag can also make you look fashionable while traveling!
Once you’ve chosen the items to put on your piece of luggage to make it stand out, it’s important to think of a way to incorporate them into the design. For example, if you’re using brightly colored ribbons to mark the bag, create some sort of pattern or image with them. If you want to use stickers or tags, make sure they fit the overall look of the bag. Weatherproofing items such as clear coat sprays, or waterproof decals can help protect the design from the elements. Additionally, adding layers of fabric protectors to straps and handles can help preserve them from unnecessary wear and tear, and help keep the design intact. With a little bit of effort, your unique and stylish luggage will be sure to stand out in a crowd.
The best way to tag your luggage
Putting your name and contact information on the bag is essential, as this will make it easier for people to contact you if it gets lost. You can also attach a unique code or barcode, as this will also help you track your bag in the event of it being lost or misplaced. Additionally, consider using bright or reflective materials when tagging the bag, as this will make it easier for airport personnel and other travelers to spot it quickly in a large crowd. By ensuring your bag stands out, and has the necessary information to be identified, you can be certain that it will always find its way back home.
Do fragile stickers work on luggage?
Yes. Fragile stickers can certainly work on luggage, as they can give you a cue to be more careful with your bag when handling it. The sticker acts as a warning to baggage handlers, as it signals to them that they should take extra care when loading and unloading your bag.
Can I put an airtag in my luggage?
Yes. Using an Airtag on your luggage is a great way to ensure you can track your bag in the event of it being lost. It will allow you to use an app to locate your bag, as well as get notifications if it moves out of range., With an airtag attached to the outside of your bag, it will be easier for people to find it if necessary.
Ideas to make your luggage stand out
You could go a step further and attach permanent decorations to your bag. Adhesive designs on the sides or straps of your bag can help it stand out from the crowd so that if it gets lost, it is easier to identify it. You could also use a combination of bright colors and patterns to make your bag more visible. If you decide to personalize your bag, use durable materials that won’t fade in the long term. Additionally, a check-in tag with your name and contact information is always a smart idea. Remember that if your bag looks unique, it will make it easier to locate if it ever goes missing.
Your carry-on luggage should look just as unique as your checked luggage. Even if it will spend most of its time in the overhead bins. With an eye-catching piece of luggage, you can be sure to have a conversation starter when you travel. Consider investing in a quality luggage brand with a unique style or one that is made from more durable materials such as leather or canvas. Not only will this help your bag stand out amongst the sea of black bags but it will also add an extra layer of protection against any mishaps or chances of it being lost.